How To Stay Safe During A Helicopter Ride

How To Stay Safe During A Helicopter Ride


Helicopter rides offer a thrilling way to see the land from a unique vantage point. However, like any aerial activity, ensuring safety is paramount. By following a few essential guidelines, you can increase your safety and enjoy a worry-free flight. Here’s how to stay safe during a helicopter ride in Dubai.

Listen to safety briefings:

Before taking off, you will receive a safety briefing from the pilot or crew. This briefing includes vital information on how to use safety equipment, emergency procedures, and how to behave during the flight. Pay close attention to these instructions and ask questions if anything is unclear. Understanding and following these safety protocols is your first step towards a secure flight.

Wear appropriate clothing and gear:

Dress appropriately for your helicopter ride. Opt for comfortable clothing that doesn’t interfere with safety gear or cabin space. Avoid loose clothing, hats, or scarves that could be caught in the rotor blades or other equipment. Closed-toe shoes are a must to ensure you have a stable footing when boarding and disembarking. If a headset is provided, wear it as instructed to protect your ears from the noise of the rotor blades.

Secure loose items:

Helicopters have limited space and high speeds, which can turn loose items into hazards. Ensure that all personal items such as phones, cameras, and bags are securely fastened or stowed away. Avoid holding onto items during the flight, as they could be jostled around or become projectiles if the helicopter encounters turbulence.

Follow boarding and disembarking procedures:

Boarding and disembarking a helicopter require careful attention to safety. Always approach and leave the helicopter from the designated areas as instructed by the crew. Avoid walking near or under the rotor blades, which can be extremely dangerous. Wait for the pilot or crew to signal that it is safe to approach or exit the helicopter.

Be mindful of your position in the cabin:

While in the helicopter, follow the pilot’s or crew’s instructions regarding seating and positioning. Avoid leaning out of the helicopter or making sudden movements that could interfere with its operation. Ensure that seatbelts or harnesses are fastened securely for the duration of the flight to protect yourself in case of sudden movements or turbulence.

Stay calm during turbulence:

Turbulence is a natural part of flying and can sometimes be unsettling. If you experience turbulence, remain calm and stay seated with your seatbelt fastened. The pilot is trained to handle these situations, and modern helicopters are designed to manage various weather conditions safely. Panicking can create unnecessary stress, so focus on staying calm and following safety protocols.