The different events you can organize in schools

The different events you can organize in schools

What school should do more beside A, B and C. do you want to know? If yes, then click on the button for info here!

1) Theatre: If you are a teacher who desires to improve literature and writing skills of students, then theater is the best way to increase their creativity. For this, you could either coordinate with dubai Entertainment Company to teach keen students to act on stage with perfect pronunciation and heart-breaking emotions.  In this way, future actors will learn to act and audience will learn to write creatively. 

2) Reading festival: These festivals are much needed in schools because the more the students read, the more they will know about the world and their society. Teachers can introduce many things in it beside book fare. They can bring storytelling sessions, open mic, poetry sessions and many things. In this way, students will be given creative and friendly environment and that’s what they needed to learn.

3) Cooking festival: If in such festivals, students will be asked to cook what they love then they are the best. This will give them ground to be what they are and do something other than academics and bookish things. Students should be allowed to cook or bake anything. Teachers can also cook with them. Such festivals will build a stronger bond and sense of trust between teacher and student.

4) Chess and scrabble: Chess and scrabble are sports which schools should teach students. After all, they sharpen logical and memory sides of brain. Having sessions on scrabble and chess can improve their performance in academics which will not only please teachers but satisfy parents as well. For this, teachers can ask any scrabble expert or chess expert to come and teach bunch of students every week by playing with them. This will make studies less burdensome and make school a place of fun and learning. 

5) Mental Health sessions: With the rise in technology and excessive use of phones, the need of having classes on mental health and psychology is increasing. After all, our toddlers and children are being victim of depression and psychological disorders. Teaching them about mental health and giving them ground to keep themselves stress free will make school more than a place to learn A, B and C. 

So, these are a few activities which school should bring and organize in their institutes because school is not A, B and C, it is more than it. It is more than a place. Therefore, expand the spectrum and introduce other things or get ready to get rigid and intolerant environment. Click to get more info here